Minimizing Risk of Operations for the Avalon formation; Data Driven Total Systems Analysis Leads to Successful Treatment of Severe Calcium Carbonate Scale; In the Delaware Basin
There has been a recent shift in the Permian across unconventional frac targets in the Delaware Basin stacked play, shifting to shallower formations. As a result, Avalon targets are becoming more common. When comparing key scale risk drivers such as brine compositions, mol% CO2 and H2S of the Avalon formation to more traditional targets such as the Wolfcamp and 2nd & 3rd Bone Springs, not only does the Avalon present its own unique scaling challenge, but the commingling of these formations can present much greater scale control and asset integrity challenges.
Acid Diverter Lookback from Permian Operator
As wells decline and available acreage for new wells lessens in the Permian Basin, it becomes increasingly important that operators capitalize on existing wells and maximize reserves. Scaling is a known issue in the basin, and this paper will address a likely solution. Acid treatments have proven to be effective across different levels, and when diverter is additionally pumped, the effectiveness has potential to increase significantly.
(2024042) A Case Study That Examines the Use of Nodal Analysis In Predicting The Magnitude of The Impact of Infill Drilling on A Gas Gathering System
Nodal analysis is an approach for modeling a system of components to determine the impact of changes to any component in that system. It is a tool typically employed to ensure production is maximized in individual producing wells. However, this tool can also be used to analyze pipeline systems to study the impact of changes in deliverability.
(2024046) Tubing Size & Flow Path Guidelines
Production engineers struggle every day with decisions on tubing size and flow path selection for their wells. This could be regarding what applications will be most appropriate over the life of the well, what timing would be appropriate for tubing install and/or flow path transition (annular to tubing flow), or what size would be appropriate for the remainder of the well’s life after a workover.
(2023050) Novel Multi-functional Chemistry to Maximize Performance in Paraffin Coated Acid Soluble Scale Clean-ups
Gradual diminution of the flow path of hydrocarbon in the near-wellbore area is heavily linked to formation damage accumulation and well productivity reduction. Organic deposition in the formation and well bore area can result from the use of hydrochloric acid (HCl) during acidizing, especially in the presence of free iron, addition of organic liquids such as diesel, kerosene, or gasoline and the use of CO2 injection for EOR projects. Laboratory evaluation of the nature of the crude oil and stimulation fluids indicates the potential severity of the problem.
(2023048) Fiber Optic Sensing for Production and Operations Diagnostics: Past, Present, and Future
We present a survey of uses for distributed fiber optic sensors (DFOS) in oilfield production and operations. Downhole DFOS measurements of temperature, strain, and noise along the entire length of the wellbore serve as diagnostic tools for flow profiling and artificial lift monitoring. Field cases demonstrate DFOS abilities such as identifying gas lift injection points, quantifying stimulation volumes injected into multiple perforations, and providing actionable insights on paraffin challenges. Future applications of DFOS measurements for artificial lift diagnostics are proposed.
(2023049) Delaware Basin Formational Solid Deposit Trends, A Data Driven Look At Developing Proactive Chemical Treatment Strategies
The Permian Basin is well known for multiple remunerative producing zones. Recent development from the Delaware Basin has presented a need for economical chemical selections. Chemical treatment strategies applied in contemporaneous formations in the Midland Basin may not result in an optimized solids risk mitigation approach for the New Mexico Delaware Basin. Having the right treatment strategy in place is essential in preventing failures and downtime due to under deposit corrosion, microbiologically influenced corrosion (MIC), plugging and emulsion issues.
(2023051) A Case Study of Multi-Stage Gas Separation Combined with Vented, Forced Gas Separation - Setting a Performance Benchmark
This paper will cover multiple trials of a new combination of advanced gas and sand separation techniques which have now proven to consistently perform at an exceptional level which was previously unobtainable. Details of the performance will be thoroughly outlined. The assembly is designed to be very rugged, simple to run, and easily economical.
(2022042) Leveraging Best Practices to Maximize the Value of Automation Systems and Optimization Software
There are three components to a successful rod lift surveillance and analysis program. One, a rod pump off controller is needed to match inflow to outflow, reduce fluid pound when configured properly, and to shut the well down in the event of a downhole failure. Secondly, a host system is needed to provide immediate identification of downed wells, remote surveillance, and the ability to monitor and analyze hundreds of wells per day, enabling quicker identification of variances and solutions.
(2022041) Value Of High-Resolution Data In Production Engineering
Today, a good upstream or production engineer must understand the running condition of every well of which he is in charge in order to optimize production & profitability, usually by adjusting various setpoints. Typically, he will use data recorded by a pump-off controller (POC), fluid level shots, etc. as well as often coupling this wellhead-level data with intermittent information from stock tanks or test batteries.