Formatting Instructions

It is emphasized that papers will be published in the Proceedings exactly as they are received. DO NOT include company logos and trademarks on any portion of the paper including graphs, tables, figures and etc. Company logos will be deleted.  Even though papers are put into publishing package software once they are received, please follow the following guidelines:

  • Top margin 1 inch
  • Bottom margin 1 inch
  • Side margins 1 inch. 
  • Single-spaced and single-column - Double-column text is not acceptable
  • Black 12 point Arial font for the body of the paper. 
  • Table and Figure captions should be Arial font, 12 point
  • Title of your paper should be centered in all caps Arial 18 point and bold – DO NOT UNDERLINE
  • Author and co-author’s names should be centered under the title in upper and lower case Ariel 12 point. 
  • Company’s name should be centered under the author’s name in Arial 12 point
  • Main headings should be placed at the left margin in all caps, underlined and in Arial 12 point. Secondary headings should be upper and lower case and placed at the left margin in Arial 12 point. 

A bibliography and/or list of references at the end of your paper are desirable.  Please do not use footnotes or appendixes.  Acknowledgments should be placed at the end of the paper following the bibliography and/or references.

Tables and figures can be place within the body of the paper or can be placed at the end of the paper.  All tables and graphs should should have dark clean lines. Table headings should be centered above the table.  Figure captions should be centered under the figure with the word “figure” spelled out (example: Figure 1 - ) in a Arial 12 point.  Do not include page numbers, table of contents, or appendix. Proceedings will be distributed in a digital format. 

(NOTE: If the text is not suitable, the SWPSC reserves the right to ask the author to resubmit his/her work.)

Please remove references to vendor or product names. Papers should be non-commercial and discuss the technology presented as opposed to specific products or services. Please keep the content and presentation generic.  All logos will be deleted.  Booth spaces for promoting product lines or services are available.  Please contact the SWPSC office if exhibit space is desired.  Exhibitor space is limited, make reservations early. 

Publication Rights
The primary author will be required to sign a release statement prior to the program. The Publication Release maybe emailed or mailed to the SWPSC office.

The SWPSC policy toward ownership and rights of printed papers and presentations at the SWPSC and affiliated workshops and seminars is the SWPSC has the right to copy, print, sell or otherwise distribute a copy of a paper if the paper is presented at a SWPSC meeting or affiliated workshops or seminars.  The same policy applies to presentations.  The SWPSC does not acquire copyright ownership of the paper or presentation.

As far as the SWPSC is concerned, the copyright is owned by the author or authors.  If the material presented at the SWPSC is used for other purposes, the SWPSC requests that the author or authors acknowledge any prior publication or presentation at the SWPSC.

The author, by submitting his/her paper and/or presentation, permits the SWPSC to copy, print, sell or otherwise distribute the materials.  The author/authors retain copyright of the materials.

Annual Conference Info