1. Proceedings Publication:
- Papers will be published exactly as they are received, so ensure your paper is complete and properly formatted before submission.
2. Exclusion of Company Logos and Trademarks:
- DO NOT include any company logos or trademarks in any part of your paper (e.g., graphs, tables, figures).
- Any logos or trademarks included will be deleted prior to publication.
3. Final Submission Format:
- While papers are placed into publishing software after submission, following the guidelines is critical for a smooth and accurate publishing process.
Formatting Instructions
- Top margin: 1 inch
- Bottom margin: 1 inch
- Side margins: 1 inch
Text Formatting:
- Single-spaced
- Single column (Double-column text is not acceptable)
- Font: Arial 12 point for body text, Arial 12 point for author names and company names, Arial 18 point for the title
- No indents: Use double spacing between paragraphs
- Figures, Graphs, Photos:
- These may be placed within the text.
Paper Structure:
- Title:
- Centered
- Font: Arial 18 point, bold, all caps
- Do NOT underline the title.
- Author and Co-Authors:
- Centered under the title
- Font: Arial 12 point, upper and lower case
- Company Name:
- Centered under the author names
- Font: Arial 12 point
- Headings:
- Main Headings: Left-aligned, all caps, underlined, Arial 12 point
- Secondary Headings: Left-aligned, upper and lower case, Arial 12 point
- Body of the Paper:
- Font: Arial 12 point, single-spaced, single column
- No indentations, double space between paragraphs
- Example Layout:
TITLE (ALL CAPS, Arial 18 point, bold)
Author’s Name (Arial 12 point, centered)
Company Name (Arial 12 point, centered)
MAIN HEADING (ALL CAPS, Arial 10 point, underlined)
Secondary Heading (Arial 12 point)
Body of the Paper (Arial 12 point)
Additional Formatting Notes:
- Bibliography/References:
- A bibliography or reference list is desirable.
- Do not use footnotes or appendices.
- Acknowledgments: Place at the end of the paper, following the bibliography, but before tables, graphs, and figures.
- Tables and Figures:
- Table headings: Centered above the table.
- Figure captions: Centered under the figure, with the word “Figure” spelled out (e.g., Figure 1 - Caption), in Arial 10 point.
- Only include necessary illustrations relevant to the paper.
- No:
- Page numbers
- Table of contents
- Appendix
Content Guidelines:
- Technical Focus:
- Papers should primarily include technical or case study information.
- Keep the content and presentation generic.
- Limit product and company names in the content, and exclude logos (they will be deleted).
- Exhibit Space:
- If you wish to promote your products/services, consider securing exhibit space. Exhibit space is limited, so make reservations early by contacting the SWPSC office.
Final Note:
- If the text is found to be unsuitable, the SWPSC reserves the right to request the author to resubmit the work.
- Let me know if you need further assistance with these guidelines!
Recording and Streaming:
- Presenters may have their own presentation recorded with the use of a small recording device, such as a smart phone or tablet.
- Unauthorized recording of another person’s presentation is prohibited.
- Streaming presentations is prohibited.
Copyright and Publication Rights
1. All authors, including the primary author and co-authors, must sign the Transfer of Copyright form. This form is essential for the paper to be published or scheduled for presentation.
2. Primary Author’s Responsibility:
- The primary author is responsible for ensuring that the Transfer of Copyright form is signed by all authors and co-authors.
- While co-authors may fill out their own individual forms, the primary author must collect all signed forms and submit them together.
3. Submission Process:
- The completed forms should be sent to
- The paper will not proceed to publication or scheduling until all the signed forms are received.
4. Digital Signing: The primary author may use a digital app that allows co-authors to electronically sign the form.