(2022002) Optimizing Rod Lift Operations with Edge Computing
Modern sucker rod pump operations rely on pump-off controller’s, surveillance dashboards, and human intervention to maximize production and pump performance. As a result, rod pump operations often suffer from high manual workload, limited diagnostics and dynamic well conditions. For wells fitted with pump-off controllers and variable speed drives, challenges remain around data gathering and evaluation. Bringing well specific insights to action requires continuous physical supervision to ensure well uptime.
(2022001) Tubing Back Pressure on Rod Pump Wells
One of the most misunderstood issues in sucker rod pumping is tubing back pressure. The great majority of wells that I have encountered in various fields have back pressure valves installed on the tubing side of a wellhead. However, a great many field personnel do not understand why back pressure is applied, how much to apply, and/or how it affects a well’s performance. This paper will discuss the why, when, and how tubing back pressure is applied along with some misunderstandings and issues of its application.
(37) Viscoelastic Representation of Sucker Rod Pump Systems
The issues of leakage with respect to the clearance between the pump plunger outer diameter (OD) and the pump barrel inner diameter (ID) and other operation conditions have been revisited in this paper using viscoelastic models. Both Poiseuille flow rate due to the pressure difference and Couette flow rate due to the plunger motion have been considered.
(36) Improving ESP Performance Combining Sand Control and Downhole Chemical Treatment: Case Studies in the Permian Basin
This paper proposes a new method to deal with sand and chemical problems in the ESP. The protection system consists of 1) ESP sand separation system that works in two stages assuring the best sand separation efficiency. The first separation stage is composed of a V-wire geometry screened designed based on production. The second stage is a centrifugal system formed by a sand cutting resistance sleeve and a helix that creates a Vortex Effect.
(34) Digital Transformation for Sucker Rod Pump Operated Wells
The advent of low-cost IoT systems powered by AI/ML Algorithms provides new production optimization tools available at the well site to achieve the digital transformation in the onshore oil and gas business. The unique capability of well diagnostic at the edge opens new opportunities from artificial lift to production optimization. The goal is to improve overall efficiency by reducing failures, anticipate deteriorating operating performance by timely introducing mitigation options.
(33) New Gas Bypass System for Unconventional Wells on ESP
In the Permian Basin, new unconventional wells on ESP systems experience production challenges due to high gas to liquid ratio. Unconventional wells having high initial rates with steep declines requires wells to be pumped aggressively early on. ESP’s by nature are designed to pump only liquids. Gas entering the ESP not only decreases volumetric efficiencies, but also causes high temperature issues and erratic run behavior. This decreases production and degrades the mechanical integrity of the ESP, leading to higher maintenance costs and ESP failure.
(32) Gas Issues with Downhole Sucker Rod Pump Operations
This paper will cover the theory of operation of downhole sucker rod pumps, compression ratio calculations, some misconceptions about gas handling, simple special valves and accessories, complex specialty valves, gas breakout in the pump, dual compression and specialty pumps, some successful industry solutions, and other ideas about dealing with gas in downhole sucker rod pumps.
(31) Enhancing Downhole Gas and Solids Separation and Lowering Operational Risk by Taking Advantage of Multiphase Flow Reversals
Downhole separation of gas and solids for sucker rod pumping continues to be a significant challenge, particularly in horizontal wells. An advancement in downhole separation has been achieved by realizing there was an opportunity to intentionally take advantage of transient multiphase flow conditions where liquids and solids flow reversals exist. Multiple case studies in this presentation, demonstrate that taking advantage of multiphase flow reversals can enhance downhole separation performance and capacity, while at the same time lower operational risk.
(30) Optimizing Well Performance by Minimizing the Effects of Gas Slugs in Horizontal Wells: Surge Valve
Horizontal wells have a tendency to have surges of fluid and gas when producing. Especially in the case of gas, we tend to see gas production flowing in slugs, resulting in intermittent production of liquid and gas. This unpredictability of gas slugs and surges leads to free gas entering the pump more frequently and being harder to control than in a vertical well. This can lead to decreased production, efficiency, and pump fillage. To deal with the issues that surging in horizontal wells can lead too, Odessa Separator has developed the surge valve.
(29) "Long and Slow" OR "Short and Fast" is NOT the Way to Go
More efficient operations and lower failure rates will result if sucker rod lifted wells are operated with a pump filled with liquid. Dynamometer and fluid level surveys can be used to identify when the well is operating properly and when there are operating problems. There are a variety of recommended practices for operating sucker rod lifted wells to provide low operating cost and low failure rate. Data will show that long and slow versus short and fast both result in high failure rates when the sucker rod pumping system has incomplete pump fillage.