Coiled Tubing CO2 Gas Lift Evaluated In West Texas
Dean Sorrell, Altura Energy Ltd.
CO2 floods impose a number of artificial lift challenges to an operator. Typically as a flood matures, a significant number of the producers are affected by the (X&-water injection cycle. Producers swing through a broad range of producing characteristics. It is not unusual, depending on the injection cycle, for a producer to load up during the water cycle and then flow strongly during the CO2 injection cycle. These wide swings cause troublesome failures, a loss in production and lead to higher operating cost. Since late1995,Alhna Energy has been testing two CO2 gas lift installations in the Denver Unit San Andres CO2 flood. Results have been mixed. One of the two has been converted to a flowing well. The other remains in operation This paper presents an overview of CQ gas lift candidate selection, equipment and selection and performance results of the CQ2 gas lift test.