Paper: Refracture Reorientation Enhances Gas Production Barnett Shale Tight Gas Wells
Refracture Reorientation Enhances Gas Production Barnett Shale Tight Gas Wells
E. Siebrits, J.L. Elbel, R.S. Hoover. & I.R. Diyashev, Schlumberger, L.G. Griffin, S.L. Demetrius, C.A. Wright, & B.M. Davidson, Pinnacle Technologies Inc., N.P. Steinsberger, Mitchell Energy Corp., & D.G. Hill, GTI
Refracturing can be used to increase production in poorly fractured wells. A different application of this technology is to refracture wells with strong initial fractures. In this paper, we provide evidence of increased production due to refracturing two tight gas wells having deeply penetrating initial fractures. Surface tiltmeter measurements show refracture orientations at oblique angles to the azimuth of the initial fractures.