New Innovations In Polished Rods, Polished Rod Liners And Their Impact On Cost And The Environment
Mike Borden, HASCO Manufacturing Company
Polished rods have been used for more than 100 years and are the main component of sucker rod pumping worldwide. Only in the last five (5) years have manufacturers. Supply companies, and oil companies put their efforts into preventing premature polished rod failures. Even though information about polished rods was not very plentiful or available. information about polished rod liners was nonexistent. The history of polished rod liners goes back to at least 1916 where they were offered for sale by Oilwell Supply Co. The liner is designed to separate the stress from the wear on the polished rod. The polished rod liner has been completely ignored by the whole academic world. The first time a petroleum engineer learns about polished rod liners is when he goes to work in the oilfield. Almost half of the United States oil-producing areas have never understood the economical benefits of using polished rod liners and, therefore, do not use them. Hopefully, liners will be viewed with new interest when safety and environmental features are added to their money saving benefits.