Paper: Career Planning And Forward Progress

Paper: Career Planning And Forward Progress

Career Planning And Forward Progress


Dorothy Roddy, Roddy & Associates

When, where and how do you plan your career? No. 1, you decide what you really want! What do you want to accomplish during your life? Not what your parents wanted. Not what your spouse or children want. But, what do you want? Deciding what we want is difficult, getting it is even harder. To do this we need a life plan. We need to think of personal growth and values. We need to maintain health and fulfill spiritual needs. We need to develop our personal lives and to establish fruitful relationships. The problem is that we live in a world of change and risk. Change in our world is occuring faster than ever before in history. To move forward we must gamble. Somehow we must be flexible and adapt to this changing world but still steer a constant course toward our goal. We need to stack the odds in our favor, and we can. In the ultimate, you are the person who controls your life. You are the one who determines your forward progress.

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