High concentrations of total dissolved solids (TDS) are typically problematic in fracture fluid development due to interactions with the buffers and crosslinkers used for waters of higher quality. High hardness and high temperature usually cause loss of viscosity in the fluid; however, proper frac fluid design can successfully keep viscosity and pump the job. This paper will discuss the successful design of a borate crosslink frac fluid design that reuse produced water treated with electrocoagulation (EC). The water in this particular case history had high concentrations of calcium and magnesium with a calculated TDS greater than 250,000 ppm. In the field, oil and iron quantity were changing, although the hardness and TDS remained high. The frac fluid design was able to accommodate the high hardness with little variability in formulation throughout the frac. Different buffers as well as our most concentrated borate crosslinker were able to maintain stability.
Larry Hines and Jenifer Lascano
Baker Hughes Inc.