A new federal air quality rule governing midstream and upstream activity is in effect. The rule, also known by its more formal citation 40 CFR Part 60 Subpart OOOO, or ‘New Source Performance Standards (NSPS) Subpart Quad O’ contains new regulations and revisions to existing statutes. This rule will have a major impact on how the Oil and Gas industry has been operating regarding waste gas emissions. Reverberations will be felt across the industry by these more stringent rules governing upstream exploration and production segment as well as the midstream segment. The rule addresses fracking, compressors and production emissions but the largest source of waste emissions will be generated by storage vessels. According to World Oil’s estimate of producing wells, based on surveys of state agencies and company sources, indicates there are over 536,000 oil producing wells and 485,000 gas producing wells. A very conservative estimate would be about approximately 650,000 crude oil, produced water and condensate storage tanks in the United States and is increasing. Any new Oil and Gas storage tank will be regulated by NSPS Quad O if emissions of VOC’s are more than 6 tons per year. According to the regulation they must reduce emission by 95% through recovery or combustion to be in compliance. Change is in the air.
Larry Richards, HY-BON Engineering