Zoltan Turzo, University of Miskolc, Hungary; Gabor Takacs, The Petroleum Institute, Abu Dhabi
Gas passage performance of gas lift valves under dynamic conditions has only been studied in the last twenty years. Proper assessment of gas injection rates at valve operating conditions requires the use of sophisticated measuring and control equipment only a few companies possess; and involves tedious and time-consuming data acquisition procedures. As a result, many gas lift installations are designed even today without properly accounting for the dynamic behavior of operating gas lift valves. The authors applied a novel approach to the description of gas lift valve performance and used Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) techniques to determine the valve's gas passage characteristics. CFD calculations provide a numerical solution of the governing equations (like the conservation of mass, energy, etc.) that can be written for a flowing fluid. To facilitate the simultaneous solution of the governing equations the flow space (the inside of the valve available for gas flow) must be divided into sufficiently small final volumes i.e. cells. Since the accuracy of flow modeling greatly depends on the proper setup of these cells the paper fully describes their proper spatial distribution. After the cell structure of the gas lift valve was properly set up, CFD calculations allowed the calculation of the gas volume passed by the valve for different combinations of valve stem travels, injection, and production pressures; i.e. for static conditions. In dynamic conditions, however, valve stem travel is a function of the net opening force developing on the tip of the valve stem. Since this force can be found by integrating the pressure distribution on the valve stem tip, an iterative procedure was developed to describe the valve behavior. The final result of the proposed iterative calculation model is the dynamic performance curve of the gas lift valve i.e. the injected gas rate vs. injection, production, and dome charge pressures. The procedure developed by the authors gives gas injections rates very close to those received from the universally-applied RP