Endurance Technologies Inc.

Endurance Technologies Inc. has ensured over the years that we are only producing the highest quality EndurAlloy® products for our clients and something we are extremely proud of. We understand that there are competing products on the market, but we wanted to answer some questions as to why we believe you should be choosing our EndurAlloy® process.

What makes EndurAlloy® better than the competition?
It’s simple: We last longer. No other commercial products can perform as well as our Enduralloy® process in high wear, erosion, or corrosive environments. The Enduralloy® protective layer does not experience pits, separation, collapse, flaking, or disbondment which ensures a longer run life than the competition. Unlike some of the competition Enduralloy® products can withstand high temperatures and maintain the original ID after processing.

What is Enduralloy®? How does it work?
Enduralloy® is a surface engineering thermo-chemical (thermal-diffusion) process based on the CVD principles where boron atoms, being in the gas phase, deposit and diffuse into the heated steel surface with consequent formation of iron borides (FeB and Fe2B) with their growth and consolidation yielding a hard and chemically inert protective layer. It is also often referred to as diffusion alloying and pack cementation.

What is the major difference between EndurAlloy® and many conventional coatings?
Enduralloy® is a surface engineering advanced coating where, similarly to CVD coatings and as opposed to many “conventional” coatings, the protective layer forms as a new compound through the combined thermo-chemical reaction, diffusion, and high-temperature consolidation processes. We use a special composition of powders, mixed to create through the gas phase, the protective layer with “new” composition occurring with contact with steels or ferrous alloys at high temperatures. As opposed to many conventional coating processes, the diffusion-related bonding provides excellent adhesion of the iron boride layers to the substrate with no delamination or peeling-off.

How can Enduralloy® be both very hard and highly resistant to corrosion?
Resulting from the thermal diffusion process, the Enduralloy® surface is a well consolidated layer consisting of iron borides with high hardness and high chemical inertness. It is highly resistant to many corrosive gases and liquids, e.g. to many acids, alkalis, high temperature-high pressure water steam with high contents of salts, H2S, CO, CO2, hydrocarbons, etc. We have various test documents to support the corrosion resistance of our products.

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