Procedures for Bidding and Supervising a Contract Drilling Operation


J.N. Muscovalley, Loffland Brothers Co.

In the 15-20 year period since most oil companies divested themselves of company-owned drilling rigs, one problem has continually arisen: that problem being training of drilling personnel within these companies to successfully supervise a drilling operation made up of an assortment of drilling contractors. Due to many varying reasons, the type and amount of supervision that these drilling contractors have required have changed with time. Most oil companies today still feel that they need to train men in drilling techniques so that they can actually go to a rig and "make hole". The opportunity for these men to gain experience in this field is usually limited due to the ever-decreasing number -of wells drilled. Consequently, the company fears the day when the last of their company drilling personnel with actual rig experience reach retirement age.

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