Eric Brown, James Franklin, Paul Porter, Perry Stegall & Robert Younger III,BP Permian Business Unit
BP Permian's Sprabeny production consists of 400 rod pumped wells located primarily in Midland, Martin, and Glasscock Counties. Of these, the Spraberry Core Production Area located in Glasscock County includes 80 wells, which have been producing for 30+ years. Development of the Wildfire Production Area in Midland and Martin Counties began in 1996. Wells in both areas are typically completed to about 9500" through the Sprabeny, Dean, and Wolfcamp formations. Pump depths fluctuate from 7600" to 9700" through the field. A variety of operating challenges have been encountered and worked through over the years to optimize profitability. The purpose of this paper is to discuss the teamwork and technology utilized in resolving these challenges.