The Now Generation and A New Concept In Management Organization


B.P. Loughnane, Petroleum & Minerals Group, Dresser Industries, Inc.

The U.S. society of today bears only a slight resemblance to our society of a decade ago. In our quest of efficiency and new scientific servants for mankind, technology has leaped forward at a dizzying pace. The median age of our society had dropped drastically, bringing youthful perceptions and new concern for basic values. Increased numbers of people have spawned more companies and bigger companies marketing more lines of products and services to more complex sets of markets. This revolution of technology, thought and numbers have had a major impact upon corporations, giving rise to new concepts in management organization. Old concepts of functional organization are being phased out, particularly in the large multi-divisional corporations. Authority has shifted in the management hierarchy, new lines of communications established and new concern has emerged about the individual employee.

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