The Electronic Downhole Load Cells (DHLC) was used during the mid-1990s to acquire downhole dynamometer data. The unique DHLC was mounted at a desired location in the rod string (usually between two rod tapers). Dynamometer data was collected while the well operated. SANDIA coordinated collecting DHLC data on six (6) different types of wells. The petroleum industry provided wells and SANDIA collected, de-coded and presented the data. NABLA and others concurrently acquired the surface Dynamometer measurements. DownDYN software developed by SANDIA was used to display and export the collected data.
The dynamometer data acquired at each rod taper for each well will be displayed. The DownDYN software is no longer supported by current Windows Operating system. This valuable information will be lost, if the DownDYN software is not modernized. Downhole Load Cell data measured at the pump resolved the display of the downhole pump loads. This paperwill discuss the true/effective load argument for display of downhole dynamometer data.