Insights And Results from New Applications Of An Enhanced Gas Separation Method For High-Fluid, High-Glr Horizontal Rod Pump Wells


Alexander Davis, Adam Davidson, Michael Snider, and Matthew Wilson
Talor Nunez, Diamondback Energy
Luis Guanacas, Shivani Vyas, Gustavo Gonzalez
Odessa Separator Inc. (OSI)

This paper builds on last year's paper, which detailed the development of a new gas separation method for rod pump wells operating under gassy conditions, without limiting the liquid production rate. In this second part, the focus shifts to results from new applications in a different field within the Midland Basin, highlighting lessons learned from various BHA configurations, performance outcomes, and new challenges encountered during the evaluation process.

Four case studies with two different operators will be presented. The first case involves a conversion from a struggling ESP to rod pump, resulting in a 49% increase in total liquid rate and a 55% uplift in oil production compared to ESP’s performance. The current pump fillage, after 5 months, has stabilized between 96% and 100%.

The second case focuses on a rod pump repair, where the legacy gas separator was not operating effectively and replaced with new technology while using the same type of pump. This allows a direct comparison of performance when replacing a legacy gas separator in an existing rod-pumped well. After the replacement, fluid production increased by 220%, with a 200% uplift in oil production. Average pump fillage before the replacement was 70%, whereas the current average stabilized at 96%. 

The third case study presents another conversion from a low-rate ESP to rod pump. Here, the results not only show an uplift but also consistent pump fillage and 100% runtime, thus reducing wear on equipment from gas interference. 

The fourth case study is a Midland basin well with a high GLR and an ideal application for gas lift that had to be converted from Gas Lift to rod pump due to the pressure restrictions. The production after the conversion was higher and the pump fillage has been high through the evaluation period. 

These case studies were selected to illustrate the economic benefits of optimizing the gas separator to achieve the desired liquid production rate in both existing rod pump wells and ESP to rod pump conversions. Production losses after ESP-to-beam pump conversions are common, and this study has shown that this technology is an effective way to maintain or improve production targets and effectively rod pump horizontal wells.

Throughout the paper, we will cover the challenges faced, as well as the well selection criteria, and engineering solutions implemented or planned to achieve optimal outcomes for each installation. Based on the analyzed cases, a new design was developed, considering not only production rate and pump fillage but also velocity profiles, pressure drop, and tool geometry. Simulations and designs will be shared to explain the analyses conducted. 

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