(2024004) Convert to Rod Lift Sooner - Long Stroke Pumping Units


Spencer Evans and Joe Calhoun
Liberty Lift Solutions

With the use of mechanical long stroke units having stroke lengths of 291–416 inches, converting to rod lift is being done sooner. Rates of 400-900 bfpd are being achieved in wells as deep as 10000 feet TVD. This helps to eliminate running multiple ESPs to draw down a well into the 400-500 bfpd range. This presentation will discuss the history and demand of long stroke pumping units in the market today, challenges operators are facing using other forms of artificial lift in this specific volume range, as well as discuss case studies and real results about the mentioned wells. This will also cover the technologies being utilized such as pumping unit selection, BHA configurations, pump configurations, rod designs, and optimization with VSD Zone Control. 

Presentation Information

Annual Conference Info