Rod Lift Enhanced Back Pressure Regulators Increase Performance on Esp Wells


Ronaldo Marion and Sergio Granados
Apergy Rod Lift Harbison-Fischer

Field case studies for Harbison-Fischer’s latest enhanced Back Pressure Regulator (BPR) has increased production for multiple operators in the Permian Basin. Back pressure regulators have operated successfully under rod lift conditions in wells that include intermittent flow, low fluid production, and a wide range of gas production. But when tested in wells with Electrical Submersible Pumps (ESP), constant production rates between 2,000 and 3,000 BPD, and large amounts of sand, it caused accelerated wear that resulted in costly cleaning jobs and unsafe working conditions at the wellsite. Harbison-Fischer’s newly designed BPR has been successful in solving these issues while field test results have shown consistent average run time improvements of at least 1,200% compared to standard BPRs. At the same time, this new technology has been able to minimize constant supervision compared to a manual choke and bi-weekly replacement of a standard BPR bringing savings of at least $9,600 per well. Last, by maintaining the ESP operating within their recommended parameters, the life of the pump is extended.

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