Cloud-Based Monitoring of Pumping Well Performance


Dieter Becker, Ken Skinner, Jim McCoy, Carrie Anne Taylor, Tony Podio
Echometer Company

Data from fluid level, dynamometer, pressure, and motor power measurements were acquired by a standalone programmable monitoring system that uses internet and cellphone communication with the Cloud for remote monitoring of well performance. The paper presents results from the tests that lasted several weeks, beginning with well pump down, just after new pump installation and continuing during normal production operation.  The performance of the well was monitored in detail and additional measurements were acquired as needed based on the real time performance of the pumping system. 

In the past an operator was required to be at the wellsite to perform these tests. Once the portable Remote Acquisition and Monitoring system was deployed at the well site and was programmed for standalone acquisition, the well performance trends were monitored wirelessly over extended periods of time without requiring an operator to return to the wellsite.

When connected via the cloud, the data acquisition schedule was adjusted remotely and the stored data was viewed and retrieved as needed. Additional measurements were performed and interpreted in real time so that the operator was able to troubleshoot and analyze the performance of the well from any location in the world.

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