Tanhee Galindo, GeoKimika Oil & Gas
Case study of mill-out operations in the Permian Basin which evaluate chemical program and processes used. Results show how existing processes and chemicals used or lack thereof, can affect equipment and undo the preventative chemical treatments used during the hydraulic fracturing process. The study looks at field water testing performed during various mill-out operations and considered workover rig vs coiled tubing, equipment set up, water & chemicals used, and operational challenges. Water analyses were completed on injection water and returns at various interval of the mill-out. Effectiveness of chemical treatment was also monitored when biocide was used. Four field case studies are presented for horizontal wells. Two wells were milled-out utilizing workover rigs and two wells were completed using coiled tubing. Testing results show the impact of equipment setup and operations process on the water quality and efficiency of the chemicals used. Water fouling was prevalent in all cases, with coiled tubing jobs showing the highest degree of water contamination and chemical inefficiency. Changes in water treatment program during operations showed significant improvement and sustainable results. Potential corrosion of the work string due to water fouling and composition was also observed, and the effects of changes in chemicals were monitored. This is important because it identified operational improvements that can reduce equipment replacement costs, chemical overuse and protect wells from fouling due to high bacteria. This case study provides a comprehensive review of mill-out operations and provides guidelines for improving chemical efficiency and potential of extending life of the work string.