Walter Phillips, Wansco
Understanding wave dynamics can help improve rod design and operation. This presentation will illustrate the nuances of rod design and analysis through the use of visual representations of these abstract wave concepts. Dimensions such as time, rod loading, dynamic rod position, rod depth, dynamic rod stretch, rod velocity, etc. can be rendered against each other to create interactive plots in a three dimensional environment. These plots, while abstract in and of themselves, can provide intuitive clues as to the timing and location of key events during a pump cycle. Specifically, the force wave traveling along the rodstring can be clearly identified through the stroke. Such renderings can expose the interaction of surface and pump dyno card features that are separated by the time delay of the wave traveling along the rods. For example, the effect of a tagging pump can be clearly seen to echo up and down the rodstring multiple times. A simple technique for identifying the delayed effects of the traveling wave will be presented. This technique can easily be applied to existing dyno card analysis.